Category: Uncategorized

  • Setting up a VirtualBox dev environment

    This article runs through the process of setting up a VirtualBox dev box on Windows host machine.  It was written with Laravel in mind, but the steps should apply to most circumstances. I don’t go into actually installing Laravel, there are plenty of guides out there for that! Mainly I wanted to achieve: Ubuntu 64bit virtual machine. […]

  • Using PhpStorm with remote documents directories

    If you are attempting to use JetBrains PhpStorm in a domain environment with remote home directories you have probably ran into the following error message. Config path ‘\\yourDomain\yourShare\yourUsername\.WebIde70\config’ is invalid. If you have modified the ‘idea.config.path’ property please make sure it is corect, otherwise please re-install the IDE. Needless to say, reinstalling will not help, and chances are […]